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2023-04-01转载undertale未来之狗Dogsoffuturepast 来源:百合文库
Greatest Dog seemed more than thrilled at the prospect of pets, though. NO! We can’t leave during pets! Pets are the BEST!
All that was interrupted by the arrival of a third monster: a familiar yellow, reptilian monster. All three recognized Alphys right away, although she did look a whole lot younger, happier and healthier…and she was dressed in the same kinds of garish clothes as Bratty and Catty. Alphys’ arms were full of old DVD and VHS cases, and at least a couple of waterlogged magazines. The covers depicted what looked like Japanese and Korean pop stars in outlandish makeup and wild hair, although some of the titles were long washed out.
“Hey, guys! I think this series is still in good condition, plus I was looking through these magazines and I think there’s some good ideas for my friend, you know, he was talking about that show we watched together and I think he might like…” She trailed off as she realized that Bratty and Catty were doting over the dog. “Oh! You found a new friend!”
Frisk took control again as Alphys approached…it was hard not to be taken aback by her appearance here, considering the state that they had last left her in. Even in just her tone of voice, she seemed a lot more…worry-free now. Everything seemed to be off the rails from what they’d expected and their original plan as it was. They were suddenly struck with a thought…