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【英文版】重霜之境 第一章《The Abnormal Temperature》

2023-04-26穿越英语学英语提升读后续写 来源:百合文库
本文翻译已取得原作者授权@魔凤啸天 原文链接
Chapter 1The Abnormal Temperature A young man sits in front of a screen in a slightly old residential building on December 24, 2019. His hands kept tapping on the keyboard, and the content on the screen kept switching until a heavy impact sounded, and the young man's movements did not stop.
He hit his head on the table and slipped straight off the soft chair.
By this time, it was already two o'clock in the morning.
"Zuo Xuan?! What happened! " A middle-aged man rushed to open the door and saw Zuo Xuan who had fallen to the ground.
"Zuo Xuan? Are you OK? Hey, don't worry! Dad call 120 right now! You must hold on! " The middle-aged man said anxiously.
But what he did not expect was that this fall became a farewell.
He do not know how long, when Zuo Xuan regained consciousness, he found himself lying on a broken bed made of cotton.
"Ah Xuan, Dad has cooked the food. When he gets up, he goes to the pot and gets it. Because of some things need to do I can't eat with you today."
After the middle-aged man had finished his advice, he left the room.
The voice of this middle-aged man is strange and familiar to Zuo Xuan.