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[APHxPJO]The rebelling gods 4(3)

2023-04-27APHAPH(黑塔利亚)PJOPercyjackson 来源:百合文库
“Arthur! ”Some one called. “You gotta wake up now!”
I opened my eyes, my sight slowly clearing up. I saw Emily waving her hand in front of me face. “What the……”
A small and shrill voice of a girl sounded. “Well well, Artie, we’ve been waiting. ” 
At first I thought it was Emily talking with her through tightened, the girl was sort of gormless. Then I looked up and found three good looking hot girls wearing……is that a cheerleader uniform? Standing in the pathway next to my feet. The way their voice sounded bothered me, and the girl in the middle calling me Artie really pissed me off. 
“For gods love, who are you guys? ”I frowned and looked at Emily. “Your friends? ”
The girl on the left grinned. “Well of course not, we can’t be friends with this kind of lame girlie. I’m Della, this is Rea and Avy. Isn’t it pleasant to meet you, darling? ”
She had a fancy accent, like a French-ish Italian, and the way she pronounced the second name, she made a complicated retroflex on the “R”. I felt like I don’t like them, but somehow I wanted to be close to them. 
Then I felt Emily grabbing my hands tight. She was shaking. “You okay? ”I asked. 
“No! ”She almost screamed, her voice shivering. “Not, at, all. Can’t you see? They……they are……ep……”she was too frightened to pronounce the word. 