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SCP-034 - 黑曜石仪式匕首(2)

2023-04-26SCPSCP-034 来源:百合文库
*测试5:Sample taken from D-625, who suffered a broken arm due to a confrontation with security staff. D-452 successfully mimics D-625's appearance, including the broken arm. D-452's broken arm is re-mended when the transformation period expires.
*测试6:Sample taken from a terminally ill medical patient and applied to D-452. The patient's terminal illness was caused by an inherent genetic defect. D-452 successfully mimics the patient's appearance as well as the patient's illness. Both the terminally ill patient and D-452 expire at the same time, after which D-452 reverts back to original form.
*测试7:Sample taken from a chimpanzee and applied to D-466. D-466 experiences rapid growth of hair across their entire body. There are otherwise no other significant physical or physiological changes. Body hair disappears when the transformation period expires.
*测试8:Sample taken from an Atlantic salmon and applied to D-466. There is no observable effect.