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Day after day

Day after day, he comes and goes away 一天一天的,他来到又走去
Go, and give him a flower from my hair, my friend.去吧,朋友,把我头上的鲜花赠给他
If he asks who was it that send it, I entreat you do not tell him my name-for he only comes and goes away.如果他问起是谁送给他的,我下望你不要告诉她我的名字,因为他想轻轻的来,悄悄地走。
He sits on the dust under the tree他走在树的底下
Spread there a seat with a flowers and leaves, my friend.那是用花和落叶编制的椅子,我的朋友。
His eye are sad, and they bring sadness to my heart他那忧伤的眼神把悲痛带进了我的心里
He does not speak what he has in mind, he only comes and go away. 他没说他在想什么,他只是轻轻的来,悄悄地走。
I asked nothing, only stood at the adge of the wood behind the tree.我被无所求,知识站在树干的傍边。
Languor was still upon the eyes of the dawn, and the dew in the air.黄昏时分,倦意来袭,空气更加爽快。
The lazy small of the damp grass hung in the thin mist above the earth潮湿的小树叶挂在树枝上。
Under the banyan tree you were milking the cow with your hands, tender and fresh as better在榕树下你从奶牛身上挤出新鲜鲜嫩的牛奶。
And I was standing still我只是静静的站着。
I did no say one word ,it was the bird that sang unseen from the thicket我没有说话,只有一只隐藏的小鸟在唱歌。
The mango tree was shedding its flowers upon the vilige road, ang the bees came humming one by one芒果树把他的树叶倾泄在乡间的小路上,蜜蜂一只接一只的来采蜜。