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坠入凡间的天使--奥黛丽·赫本(Part 1)(4)

2023-03-26人物介绍英语奥黛丽·赫本 来源:百合文库
Hepburn also resisted Nazi occupation. When the Germans confiscated all the radios, Hepburn delivered secret underground newspapers, which she hid in her oversized boots. She continued ballet and gave recitals to make money for the resistance until she was too weak from malnutrition.
Four days after Adolf Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945, the liberation of Holland took place -- coincidentally on Hepburn’s 16th birthday. Hepburn’s half-brothers returned home. The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration brought boxes of food, blankets, medicine, and clothes.
Hepburn was suffering from colitis, jaundice, severe edema, anemia, endometriosis, asthma, and depression.
With the war over, her family tried to resume a normal life. Hepburn no longer had to call herself Edda van Heemstra and went back to her name of Audrey Hepburn-Ruston.
战争结束后,她的家人试图恢复正常生活。赫本不再需要称自己为埃德达·范·海姆斯特拉(Edda van Heemstra),而是改回她原本的名字:奥黛丽·赫本-鲁斯顿(Audrey Hepburn- Ruston)。