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And that’s with a laser which has the tightest beam we can make. Large antennas and telescopes are far, far worse when it comes to sending out a tight signal.
Mike Johnson
Most likely others quickly lose interest in traveling through space. I mean can you imagine how awesome video games will be in 1000 years? Also, genetic and cyber enhancements will make you immortal… why blast myself through space in a can for thousands of years to some inhospitable place when i am living in Valhalla?
Mike Johnson
Well it would be alot easier to seed the cosmos with sperm/egg/robot teachers than sending full grown humans….i guess
Tom Hammer
we cannot assume other beings would automatically want to explore just because we do.
Paul Edward Montador
As Sir Edmund Hilary said about climbing Everest “I did it because it was there” Kind of the same theory Robert Williscroft has I suspect!!