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Von Neumann machines. Self-replicating AI. Not necessarily the classic metal robots in countless Sci-Fi films, mind you, they will most likely be organic. They would not be interested in resources or survival, just merely carrying out its programing. Already a strong possibility as given that civilizations will sooner or later build AI. It only takes one civilization to make a mistake (possibly initially make one as a weapon) and create a grey goo apocalypse that then spreads like cancer to the universe. They’d have the ability to detect intelligence and the ability to silence them quickly before they can be heard.
Gods. Not our fanciful human fairytales, but actual gods. They would most likely also be immortal AI like Von Neumann machines, but they’d be sentient and not bound to programming. They’d be the pinnacles of civilizations that have gone beyond the technological singularity, and for some ideological reason or another has decided that lifeforms like us can not be allowed to spread. Like Von Neumann, machines, they would not want anything from us. They just want us gone. And they too would have the ability to silence planets as soon as they detect them.