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so their physical laws could be completely different to ours, with completely different limitations, right ?
Luca Arrigo
Physical laws are still the same. What change is evolution and adaptation to their home planet properties. In fact us humans can’t land on a planet where the gravity is much higher than our Earth, our body not evolved for that. Is the same problem astronauts face while they stay in orbit for long periods of time.
Roger Phelps
Of course it is, but it makes the signal more detectable for everyone, not just advanced civilisations.
John McCormick
Regardless of our ability to receive radio transmissions, there is a limit to the distance that any such signal can travel and still be distinguished from the background radiation of the Universe. One site suggested that it’s a bit like trying to detect a pebble dropped in the water on the other side of an ocean. It’s literally impossible given any theoretical technology.