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2023-03-19预告科幻缤咏落悢超级芯体 来源:百合文库
“Can you see anything from the video? ”(你们能从视频里看出什么吗?)那个中年人看着大家道,“If you don't see what it is, why isn't your ability up to the job. ”(如果你们看不出什么,说明你们的能力还不能胜任这一职位)
就在中年人感到失望的时候,一个人突然发话了:“The more technology develops, the more chaotic the world becomes and the more unpredictable the hidden conspiracies become ”(科技越是发展,世界就越是混乱,阴谋就越隐藏不可测)
中年人赞许的点点头,说:“Yeah, well, at least someone can see it, but what else? What else? ”(行,至少还有人看的出来,但除此之外呢?还有什么?)
中年人说:“Say what you have to say, don't worry about it, no one will court-martial you ”(有什么意见都说出来,不要有顾及,没人会把你送上军事法庭的)
张湖风顿了顿,道:“In the video said, rather too has been absolute, after the second world war, earth's pattern and the current universe pattern was similar, but has not occurred the third world war, except we and alien's war, the earth has been peaceful. Occasionally, it's just the terrorists. There's no big war,and there's no chaos in the world ”(视频里说的,未免太绝对了,当年第二次世界大战后,地球的格局和目前的宇宙格局差不多,但并没有发生第三次世界大战,除了我们与外星人的战争,地球一直是和平的,偶尔也就那些恐怖分子闹几下而已,没有什么大的战争爆发,世界也没有混乱)
中年人点点头,表示赞许,道:“But you have to understand, the universe is being developed on a much larger scale, and the earth is at peace because we still have the capacity to govern it, but the universe and the earth are not the same thing, especially the three universes ”(但你也要知道,宇宙被开发的范围越来越大,地球之所以能和平,是因为我们还有能力管理地球,但宇宙和地球可不是一个概念,尤其是三个宇宙)