番外篇 3 名声鹊起(上)(2)
“May be really need wood,wood but what is alive?(或许真的需要活木头,但什么是活木头呢?)”麦斯威尔很不解。“Living wood,li feis not the wood,for get it,I now give you apiece, but you don't ask me this come from,in addi tion,you can tell you is that trans mitting awan dcontrol in to the seal and contro ltwo aspects,livea wood en wand can seal it spower,but want to use anar ray to contro its magic to real control,I have to meet at your placen ear the magic circle,now you just need to live with this wood to make amag ic wand.(活木头嘛,不就是有生命的木头,算了,我现在给你一块,但你别问我这是从哪来的,另外,可以告诉你的是,传送魔杖的驾驭分为封印和控制两个方面,活木头制作的魔杖只能封印其力量,但要用魔法阵控制其力量才能真正的驾驭,我已经在你们见面地的附近放好了魔法阵,现在你只需要用这块活木头制作一根魔杖就行了。
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“May be really need wood,wood but what is alive?(或许真的需要活木头,但什么是活木头呢?)”麦斯威尔很不解。“Living wood,li feis not the wood,for get it,I now give you apiece, but you don't ask me this come from,in addi tion,you can tell you is that trans mitting awan dcontrol in to the seal and contro ltwo aspects,livea wood en wand can seal it spower,but want to use anar ray to contro its magic to real control,I have to meet at your placen ear the magic circle,now you just need to live with this wood to make amag ic wand.(活木头嘛,不就是有生命的木头,算了,我现在给你一块,但你别问我这是从哪来的,另外,可以告诉你的是,传送魔杖的驾驭分为封印和控制两个方面,活木头制作的魔杖只能封印其力量,但要用魔法阵控制其力量才能真正的驾驭,我已经在你们见面地的附近放好了魔法阵,现在你只需要用这块活木头制作一根魔杖就行了。
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