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2023-03-18哈利波特田柾国bts 来源:百合文库
So, still very, very confused, I have proceeded to the second round. Apparently the quality of the contests have dropped or something, after Sir Dumbledore passed away. The rules haven’t changed in many years, so the golden egg riddle part has been skipped. We are just assumed to have known the rules from the previous runs of this Triwizard thing or whatever. 
I don’t like the rules. Not even a little bit. Someone we care about will be taken as hostage, and if we don’t manage to get them back... who knows what will happen to them. Jungkook is in the rivalling house and doesn’t know of my feelings towards him, so that’s good. It won’t be him.
The rules of the game jerked everyone into a serious mood. And here I am now, standing on the dock, blankly gazing into the vast water. The canon goes of and everyone else dive straight into the lake without any hesitation. I, on the other hand, have never been super comfortable with submerging in water. I am pushed down.
I lurch around in the cold water, holding breath. When the oxygen runs out, I finally try to take in a gasp, and realize that the spell worked. I let out a sigh of relief and continue searching for the hostages. A scream echoes. It’s another contestant, Alice. I yell, too, and extend an arm towards her, trying to get a grip of her fingertips, but she is dragged downwards way too quickly for me to catch. I close my eyes and turn away. A short moment later, I’m off for the hostages again. Three figures in uniforms appear in the distance. Jason speeds in front of me and takes off with his “treasure”. I swim up. Crap, how unreasonable can these people be?! Seriously, Clara?! I wrap my arm around her shoulders, then glancing around, something else catches my attention. The other person- Jimin? His contestant has already been removed from this round by force, so... so yes. Without hesitation, I whip out my wand and untie the chain binding Jimin’s foot to the sandy floor. 