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第十四章 寻找

2023-03-18饥荒短篇小说同人创造 来源:百合文库
老太太加盟之后,威尔逊顿时觉得在这个世界生存下去就像从自家的冰箱里拿啤酒一样简单,“I think,the world,althoug honly three ofus,but! We are un stop pable(我觉得,这个世界虽然只有我们三个,但是!我们是不可阻挡的)”威尔逊嚣张的说。“Three? You are toon aive,you're socon fident you are the first max wel house guest?Once when I can ehereon the ground,found avery sharp and broken stone,stonea l socover ed with alay erof gold,there was arowa bove the fine print,play ed the drum for me(三个?
“You mean Wigfrid?She is here?(你是说瓦夫格雷德吗?她也来了吗?)”沃尔夫冈再一次刷新了威尔逊对他的认识,威尔逊一边抓着沃尔夫冈的衣领,一边拍着他的头,质问道“You hid mein thisbig waxgourd much?(你在这个大冬瓜里到底隐瞒了我多少东西?)”沃尔夫冈挣脱威尔逊,对老太太说道“Wigfrid is anactor, that is my colleague,althoug hIgrewu pin the UK and Wilson,but I'm a French,I come back for along time,when I grew up in this period I'm working in abar,,see I'm still in the them of the barsail or suit,next to the barand havea cir cus,to bar peop leal wayswa nttogo to thecir cusp erforma nce,time is long,the cir cusand bars are mer ged,sow ebecam ecoll eagues,the best excep ther rela tion ship,also them ime swes and mag icWill iam carter,of course,also with his beautiful as sistant,a beautifuly oung woman named Charlie(瓦夫格雷德是一个演员,也就是我的同事,我虽然和威尔逊从小在英国长大,但我是一个法国人,长大以后我回国了一段时间,在这期间我在一家酒吧工作,诺,看我现在还穿着这家主题酒吧的水手服,这家酒吧旁边有一家马戏团,来酒吧的人总要去马戏团看表演,时间久了,马戏团和酒吧就合并了,所以我们就成了同事,关系最好的除了她,还有默剧演员韦斯和魔术师威廉卡特,当然还与他漂亮的助理,一个叫查理的美女)”“Itisthispersonlikevalkyries(那这个人是不是和女武神一样厉害)”威尔逊对这个问题比较好奇。