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Carnival and Dance of Hester(Biography of Carnival Performer Len

Carnival (Biography of Carnival Performer Lennifer I)
I'm addicted to my excitement... In the carnival, reach the peak - carnival performer Lennifer
The needle on the pocket watch rotates with the passage of time. He attaches the pocket watch to the auricle of his left ear. In this position, he can clearly listen to the wonderful music of precision mechanical operation.
At the same time, he could feel the time more closely, which made him very impatient.
The huge cruise ship whistled dully, accompanied by the mechanical sound of two pocket watches.
It was so wonderful, he thought, and counted it three or four times.
The cruise ship landed at the dock on time.
Twelve o'clock, no difference.
This is perfect. He thought. The black leather glove on the right hand pops up an object reflecting light.
It was a coin, and he pinched it precisely with his forefinger and middle finger.
On the front, an exaggerated bird stretches out its luxurious tail feathers, with a high and outstretched neck and spread wings that radiate some light outward.
Tonight's Carnival will be extremely beautiful.
Lennifer rose gracefully and his pocket watch was hidden in his arms with the fifth whisper. The coin between the forefinger and the middle finger was also slightly loosened and slid into his palm along his smooth leather gloves.