Junna fixed her glasses and followed Maya onto the front seats of their classroom. “Am I really that easy to read?”
“Only if it concerns Daiba-san.” Maya smiled. “I am here to lend an ear.”
“Well, it’s... kind of complicated.” Junna fixed her glasses once more and looked straight at the blackboard. “It’s... well... I can’t seem to invite... Nana.”
Maya blinked. “Invite? Do you mean... seduce?”
Junna looked at Maya and blushed. “Y- Yes...”
Maya looked surprised. “Was there a need to seduce Daiba-san from the start? The way I see her look at you... I didn’t think there was a need to.”
“I- It’s...” Junna fixed her glasses and looked away as she inhaled deeply. “N- Normally... but... we sort of had an agreement not to do anything—“
“Love making?”
“T- That—... Anyway.... We sort of had an agreement to not do it unless we were by ourselves in the dorm.” Junna blinked.
“Why won’t you just tell her that you’d like to—“
“I- It is quite embarrassing...” Junna blinked rapidly. “I read that seduction works best but...”
“...It does not seem to work on Daiba-san?”
“Don’t you think you just aren’t trying hard enough?” Claudine entered the classroom with strides. Her gaze landed on Maya’s direction that caused Claudine to blush. “A- Anyway...”
“Only if it concerns Daiba-san.” Maya smiled. “I am here to lend an ear.”
“Well, it’s... kind of complicated.” Junna fixed her glasses once more and looked straight at the blackboard. “It’s... well... I can’t seem to invite... Nana.”
Maya blinked. “Invite? Do you mean... seduce?”
Junna looked at Maya and blushed. “Y- Yes...”
Maya looked surprised. “Was there a need to seduce Daiba-san from the start? The way I see her look at you... I didn’t think there was a need to.”
“I- It’s...” Junna fixed her glasses and looked away as she inhaled deeply. “N- Normally... but... we sort of had an agreement not to do anything—“
“Love making?”
“T- That—... Anyway.... We sort of had an agreement to not do it unless we were by ourselves in the dorm.” Junna blinked.
“Why won’t you just tell her that you’d like to—“
“I- It is quite embarrassing...” Junna blinked rapidly. “I read that seduction works best but...”
“...It does not seem to work on Daiba-san?”
“Don’t you think you just aren’t trying hard enough?” Claudine entered the classroom with strides. Her gaze landed on Maya’s direction that caused Claudine to blush. “A- Anyway...”