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Revival of Aqours(4)

2023-03-14Aqours 来源:百合文库
We dashed into the room and was shocked. There was a pile of red liquid under Yoshiko's body, and Yoshiko's arms and feet were all binded with ropes, her mouth was sealed with package tape. We came up to Yoshiko and helped her unfasten the ropes and package tape. I smelled the red liquid on the floor and felt relieved to some extent, as the liquid was not blood, but tomato sauce. We checked Yoshiko's body, she was not injured, but was apparently terrified. We asked her what happed, and she said," I was making food in my home by myself, and someone koncked my head from the back, then I was unconscious. I have been sleeping until you knonked the door and called my name."
We called the police and sent Yoshiko to the hospital. While Chika and You was attending Yoshiko in the hospital, I, Dia and Konan was doing the record in the police station. Just when we left from the police office, Dia's mobile phone rang.
"Who is calling?" I asked.
"Ruby..." Dia answered. She suddenly got nervous, and what we didn't want to happen had happened.
"Dear sister... I am scared. Something terrible has just happed."
"Ruby? What happened?"