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TF家族 欺诈游戏04(2)

陈泗旭轻轻一笑,回答:“A little bit, and we are going to inquire about something. Can we order a cup of vodka?”(会一点点,另外我们是来打听一些事情的,点一杯伏特加可以吗?)
店主明显被他流畅的英音惊艳了,点头连说:“Okay, just a moment, please.”(好的好的,请稍等)
不到片刻,店主拿着准备好的酒店给陈泗旭,并坐到他们对面。“I didn't expect anyone to come at this time.”(想不到这个时候也会有人来)
店主耸耸肩:“Vodka without water tastes good. You can try it”(没掺水的伏特加味道很好,你可以尝尝)
陈思旭点头,喝了一口:“It's really great.”(确实非常棒)
“What do you want to hear? What about this year's vegetable harvest?”(你想要听些什么?关于今年的蔬菜收成怎么样?)
陈泗旭轻笑出声:“Why don't you talk about what's funny here?”(不如讲讲这里有什么好玩的吧)
“That's a lot of fun, you can go fishing, of course, you can try to live with the snake in the mountain , but also can rent a car to the dock, Of course, there's a swamp not far away, and the scenery around there is not bad.”(好玩的那可多了,你可以去钓鱼,当然也可以试着和毒蛇一起住在山林里,还可以租个车去码头,当然,不远处还有一个沼泽,那儿附近风景还是不错的)
“How many local people are there?”(那这里有多少本地居民)
“It ' s about ninety - two . I basically know . In fact , the island rarely comes to outsiders . In addition to you , there ' s just that pair from Florence .”(大概也就九十二人左右。我基本上都认识。其实这个岛很少来外人。除了你们,还有刚才那对来自佛罗伦萨的父子)