ACCEL WORLD, Volume 1,Chapter 1(3)
Haruyuki mustered every ounce of willpower to fix his neck in place and not look in the direction of the eyes he could feel burning a hole through his left cheek. He knew he’d only be even more humiliated by the sneers of Araya and his underlings A and B if he allowed himself a glance.
Since you obviously couldn’t record messages like this during class or add in these kinds of visual and auditory effects, the message had to have been prepared in advance. Those guys had too much free time on their hands. And then that “command order” stuff! Totally redundant! Idiots! Complete morons!
Although he could curse them out in his head, Haruyuki couldn’t even answer this message, much less utter his curses out loud. Because if Araya was an idiot the likes of a cockroach, indestructible no matter how the world moved forward, Haruyuki was an even bigger idiot for being bullied by him. If he possessed even the tiniest bit of courage or the ability to act, it’d be an easy thing to submit the several dozen messages he’d saved, including this one, to the school as evidence and get those guys in trouble.