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2023-03-08兽人兽圈galgamefurry鳞翼天使 来源:百合文库
Lorem: Anyway, we should order something firstly.
I: Okay.
(After a while...)
Lorem: Hey! Where you live is so far from here now. How do you came here?
I: Sometimes I would take a bus. But most of time I was walking.
Lorem: Really? I thought you would take the subway to here yesterday. Why you choose to walk? It must spend you lots of time.
I: Oh, that

s because the city now I live is so e
conomically backward
 that it even hasn

t the metro.
Lorem: Uh...It means when you come back to your home, you will have to spend much time as the situation you arrived here, right?
I: You

re right.
Lorem: Oh...
I: Hey. Change the subject. Today we can meet again is so lucky, I think.
Lorem: Agree. It must be our destiny!
I: I never believe the destiny of a person, except this time.Another subject, how about your game?
Lorem: Zesty! The
sales volume
 and p
raise rate
 of my game is far higher than I anticipated. Er...maybe it