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2022-08-27 来源:百合文库
简爱的英文读后感 篇1
Bertha Mason is the insane wife of Rochester. In precise contrast to the angelic Helen, Bertha is big, as big as Rochester, corpulent, florid, and violent. Much of Bertha’s dehumanization, Rochester’s account makes clear, is the result of her confinement, not its cause. After ten years of imprisonment, Bertha has become a caged beast (Showalter 73).
As Bronfen states, where Helen ‘fed’ off her dead ancestors, Bertha feeds off the living, bites and draws blood from her brother, repeatedly threatens the life of her husband, and embodies a return of what they would like to repress (200). Bertha can be seen as Jane’s darkest double, as her ferocious secret self, who appears whenever an experience of anger or fear arises on Jane’s part that must again be repressed (Jane Eyre 167).