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2022-08-27 来源:百合文库
Observed the original is flour.
Revolution, while famine he hoarding, throw a windfall. In order to let two daughters climb to a good marriage, most of his property to them. However, two daughter"s eyes only money, but for two years, the father out of your house, the poor old man had to go to high rental shabby apartment. 20 years, he himself and fortune to the two daughters, but in the end like sucked lemon shell be discarded her daughters.
Until death, two daughters to the party did not want to see the last side of his father, let he swallowed their anger.
Such a society, where there are moral ideal? Money is the ruler of the whole society, the winning, lost is lost. And work another hero rusty"s, but also experienced a process of degradation. In the upper and the lower society life form a strong contrast, his character slowly changed, the gap between rich and poor is continuously stimulate his desire, and finally to resist the temptation of money, took to the road of bourgeois careerist.