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2022-08-27 来源:百合文库
When she was young, she knew how to help her mother with housework and went to the back mountain to cut firewood. She was ragged, but she studied hard with an unyielding spirit and achieved excellent results. In high school, she was not afraid of hardship and fatigue. She studied while working. She was admitted to key universities with tenacious faith and strong will.
The ordinary world is full of these unknown people around us, but each of them exudes dazzling beauty of human nature and interprets noble human nature with their excellent quality. The glory of human nature that overcomes self, overcomes difficulties and gets rid of bondage shocked me from beginning to end. The ordinary world will make you feel the beauty of the world.
The man who is working is the happiest one in the world, no matter in which period. That’s a truth the book ordinary world wants to tell us. It’s loudly gives out the slogan, as a human, despair the position, as long as you have a burning heart, you will beloved by the life. Everybody in the world should love their work. One can be ordinary, but can not be mediocre.