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2022-08-25 来源:百合文库
In addition, the story of the ups and downs of the novel is also immersive and addictive.
Lets talk about the most impressionable scarlett.
Scarlett is a big contradiction, she is not perfect, but it is admirable. Scarlett, the remarkable character born in the turbulent years of the United States, her excellent personality radiates infinite light. She is brave, strong, optimistic, hard to live and never give in. She was very quick and smart, and a bit of her obsession with love, though I didnt quite agree with it.
It is she that give the obstinate in his bones, hardworking spirit let her become the business and in life, in continuously hone grow up to be a strong woman. "Tomorrow, is, another, day" is the motto of scarlett. No matter what she meets, she is always full of hope, full of fight, never give up, never despair. This spirit is most worthy of my study.