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2022-08-25 来源:百合文库
Her pride, greed, vanity, in order to achieve the end unscrupulous means, in the later plot of a show. She longed for love, and courageously pursued her love, regardless of all worldly notions. But when it comes to conflicts of interest and reality, she puts economic needs first. For 300 pieces of Junes rent to rhett cheat money be found after failed, and repeated seduce even her sisters fiance dry old man fry, just because the withered old man have a small timber, able to provide her 300 yuan.
I dare not comment on the good and evil of life, because, after all, I am less than a third of the way of life. In my twenties, the idea may be naive. To be fair, I also felt a little sympathetic to scarlett, for the "selfish drilling" of her "unscrupulous means", perhaps those of which she had been forced to do so, to survive. Quietly think about is, however, the protagonist in the turbulent era of change, a weak woman couldnt feed a family, a bunch of friends would not father in June.