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2022-08-21 来源:百合文库
Looked at looked at, these insects are gradually clear up, I ponder: If we protect the environment, not pollute the environment, these insects is not even up? Today"s environmental degradation is not in the future would it be? I have carefully thought of this the relationships between, this time reading, "Insect" as I opened a new door.
When I continued to read "Insect", I see the meticulous observation of caterpillars Fabre travel, I saw him, regardless of danger to catch the Hornets, I saw him a bold hypothesis, careful experiment, repeated deliberation process and the experimental data, a step step-nosed bee infer the role of time and lethal effects, firefly predation process, dealing with bees flycatcher prey approach, peacock moths, long-distance contact an experiment failed, he collected data, analyze the causes and turned around again the next design .