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2022-08-20 来源:百合文库
There are a lot of people, society seems to be arbitrary, like bullies rabbit, because everyone saw his domineering, so his guts;However, there is such a society, they more terrible than the overlord rabbit!They appear a polite surface appearance, looks is respected by people, also it is admired by people, but in their heart of hearts, is filled with ambition more terrible things than the overlord rabbit.
Their sinister in silence, they use people"s respect and admiration for them, to do a lot of nasty things than the overlord rabbit.And those kind-hearted people will turn, through the crisis.
这篇故事主要讲的是:在一个阳光明媚的早晨,刺猬在去菜地的路上,碰见了兔子,傲慢的兔子嘲笑刺猬说:“你天生就长着歪腿,肯定跑不过我,敢和我比试比试吗?”刺猬听了十分生气,想教训一下兔子,便大声对兔子说:“谁赢谁就得一枚金币和一瓶烧酒。”兔子同意了。刺猬把刺猬太太叫出来,说:“你在终点等着,每次兔子还没到,你就说: ‘ 我已经到了! ’ ”说完,刺猬就来到起点和兔子赛跑。每次兔子还没有到,就听见刺猬说:“我已经到了。”兔子连跑了七十四趟,它躺在地上累死了,就这样。刺猬赢得了一枚金币和一瓶烧酒。