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2022-08-18 来源:百合文库
And to you my bird I"ll give.
The little bird will bring me straw,
The straw I"ll give then to the cow.
For which the cow will give me milk,
The milk I"ll to the baker take.
With which he then will bake a cake,
The cake I"ll then give to the cat.
Little cat will catch some mice for that,
The mice I"ll hang up in the smoke,
And after that I"ll cut them up.
While playing this game they stood in a circle, and the one to whom they were pointing when they said "cut them up" had to run away, and all the others would run after him and catch him. While they were thus running about so joyfully the stepmother was watching them from the window, and grew angry. Because she understood the art of witchcraft she bewitched them both, transforming the little brother into a fish, and the little sister into a lamb.