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2022-08-18 来源:百合文库
To stab it then into my heart.
The little fish answered:
Oh little sister, way up there
My sad heart also soon will break,
Deep down here in this lake.
When the cook heard that the little lamb could speak, saying such sad words to the little fish down below, he was frightened and thought that this could not be an ordinary little lamb, but must have been bewitched by the wicked woman in the house.
He said, "Don"t worry. I won"t kill you."
Then he took another animal and prepared it for the guests, after which he took the little lamb to a good peasant woman and told her everything that he had seen and heard.
Now this peasant woman had been the wet nurse for the little sister, and she suspected at once who the little lamb was, and took him with her to a wise woman. The wise woman pronounced a blessing over the little lamb and the little fish, and they regained their human forms. After this she took them both to a little hut in a large forest, where they lived by themselves, contented and happy.