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2022-08-17 来源:百合文库
This book is so precious and worth-reading that people put it at the same position as the 《Don Quixote de la Mancha》(堂吉柯德)and regard the two as the best Spanish books in the whole history.
In order to know what the book tells and expresses roudly,I firstly read the Chinese version and then to the English version.I feel myself sagacious for I have done this.And before I come to write some of my thoughts,I have to say that this book is so complex that almost everyone called the same names and you can’t predict accurately anyone’s future because he might dies or be insane,or even has a sex with his aunt or his bigger brother’s mistress and then have a baby who will also be called the same name as the baby‘s father all of a sudden.
But as you go on reading,because of the fancinating ,compact structure and fancy writing skill,you will be addicted to imgining all the characters in your mind and chat with them and then gradually touch the deepest and softest part of their hearts to feel their eternal solitude.Surely you will feel sory to all of them and understand their crazy actions are all forced by the fearful solitude.