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2022-08-16 来源:百合文库
From her diary, I can imagine she was helpless, fear, but a more leisurely and calm. This is a great girl.
After reading the "Diary of Anne Frank", my heart is very heavy. Nazi racial discrimination, maiming and killing innocent pretty much the same as Anne"s children. War is always nasty, it makes human experience is a market catastrophe.
Thank you "Diary of Anne Frank" and let people see the ugliness of war, to get people to think about and condolences for the unfortunate people.
Do not like history repeating itself, pray for world peace forever.
安妮 弗兰克是个犹太女孩。她本可以和普通女孩一样过着快乐的生活,但她却不得不同父母躲到阁楼里。小小的安妮整日躲在阴暗的阁楼里,躲避着纳粹的捕杀。她无法亲近自然,无法和朋友们像以前一样玩耍。在死亡阴影的笼罩下,安妮只有记日记来度过难熬的每一天。对于她来说,日记就像她的朋友,她唯一可以依赖和倾诉的朋友。她在她的日记里写下了很多,有对种族歧视的无声的控诉,更多的是对外面世界,对自然的向往,对人生的思考。