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2022-08-16 来源:百合文库
Imagination is more important than knowledge, has the imagination is to obtain a precious wealth, is to have the power to transform the world, we can always keep a childlike innocence from the undying. When we feel a solemn and mysterious at the same time, we are also learning to shake off the dust on clothes, let once dark gloomy eyes glow glory, let a rigid mind again into the source of creativeness.
So, we fix for, insightful, the mood will have been improved. Our understanding of the real world will become more and more profound, clear and accurate. 
我有一个精致的胡桃木书橱。一本厚厚的崭新的《福尔摩斯探案集》夹在中间。就是这本《福尔摩斯探案集》把我领进了书的海洋,丰富了我的.人生. 福尔摩斯,不用说你就知道。他是一位举世闻名、家喻户晓的名侦探。那么塑造他的是谁呢?是F.柯南道尔,(1859~1930),英国杰出的侦探小说家、剧作家。以《四签名》、《归来记》、《恐怖谷》等闻名于世。