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2022-08-15 来源:百合文库
This scene takes place in Covent Garden market, where Freddy and his mother and sister have taken shelter from the rain. They are joined by the flower girl. The conversation is overheard by Henry Higgins, whose hobby it is to record overheard speech phonetically, so that he can recreate it exactly. He claims to be able to identify exactly where people come from based on the sound of their speech.
Taken from: Pygmalion: a play in five actsAuthor / Creator: George Bernard ShawPublisher: Constable and Company Ltd.Date: 1918Copyright: By permission of the British Library BoardShelfmark: 11774.b.50
圣洁的灵魂-茶花女读后感 我爱读书,更爱读《茶花女》这样的好书,花女读后感。 墙角里钻出一朵茶花。一个阴冷、黑暗、潮湿、没有阳光的墙角,糜烂是它的养料,读后感《花女读后感》。然而,这茶花却比别的茶花,甚至别的任何一种花都漂亮,美得脱俗,美得惊人,美得如痴如醉。可凡是花都是向往阳光的。努力、再努力一点,在茶花碰触到阳光那一刹那,在它因阳光的滋润而娇艳欲滴的那一刹那,无情的风折断了花枝,让它又倒在了阴冷的角落,无力再爬起,再去触摸那伸手可及的阳光。上帝是仁慈的,为了弥补命运对它的不公,没让它凋零后再死,而是让它保持着美貌离开了世间。 玛格丽特的爱情悲剧故事就是这样的。一介弱质女流在放荡且无目的的生命中找寻到了真爱,为此放弃了自己习以为常的大量物质享受,放弃了一切能使自己暂时快乐的糜烂生活习惯,只为求能和最爱的人呆在一起。