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2022-08-14 来源:百合文库
This makes his eventual getting back on his feet oh so touching, and I don"t think there was a dry eye in the room during the final scene.
It takes many people to make a film, and it"s usually unfair to single out an individual as being most responsible for its success, but in this particular case, I feel it"s obvious that this is Russell Crowe"s movie. Writer Goldsman did, after all, commit "Batman & Robin", and as mentioned, Howard has a tendency to lay things too thick, overdoing each moment as if he"s trying to show off to the Academy (but oooooooh, that"s not his intent, natch).
Fortunately, he"s at least made one brilliant decision in casting Russell Crowe, who brings depth, pathos and humanity to his character. We see him age nearly fifty years in the film, and I was never thinking "make-up", Crowe just seemed older in the way he held himself, spoke and appeared altogether. Likewise, with his schizophrenic behaviour, Crowe is not one to chew scenery and go over the top.