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2022-08-14 来源:百合文库
The story of Lord of the flies took place in an imagine World War. A group of children landed in a deserted island .At first , they could get on well with each other but then the internal evil started to grow which made children believe that there was a beast nearby. Then they began to kill each other and were finally rescued by the navy officer.
Golding tried to make people believe that evil is internal in minds for that human was evolved from the beast and remained lots of wilderness.
Golding’s father doesn’t believe in religion but believe in science very much. Golding was influenced by his father and had a rational thinking before World War 2. But his dream broke when WW2 started. He joined in army and was a navy during the War. By being influenced of this crazy bloody war he wrote his novel Lord of the flies which is a word from baalzebub (Hebrew language) which means the biggest evil.