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2022-08-13 来源:百合文库
All life on Earth would be no life left the sunlight and the sun light is visible light, ultraviolet, infrared, three parts. Sunlight into the atmosphere (including UV), 55% of light through the atmosphere to the earth and sea, of which 40% of visible light, which is the driving force for photosynthesis, green plants; 5% 100 — 400 nm wavelength ultraviolet light, and ultraviolet divided into long wave, medium wave, short wave ultraviolet light, UVA can sterilization.
But the wavelength of 200 —— 315 nm short-wave ultraviolet radiation on the human body and biological harmful. When it passes through the stratosphere, the most absorbed by the ozone layer.
However, in the fast advancement of human technology, a large discharge of sewage and toxic gases, heavy use of products containing CFCs, the ozone layer destruction.