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2022-08-12 来源:百合文库
Shakespeare was notoriously inept at depicting children in his plays and he may not have had a really clear idea of what a fourteen-year-old girl would be like. Finally, the fact that the story is Italian may have fitted in with Northern European prejudices about hot-blooded early-maturing Southerners. However we imagine her, Juliet is given some of the most brilliant and memorable lines in the play, and is notable for her courage and wit.
Italian cities were infamous for their long-lasting, deadly feuds between prominent families. Elizabeth, like most absolute monarchs, abhorred dueling and feuding and tried to suppress it. Shakespeare"s play is in part his contribution to her just say no campaign against such conflicts.
这是一个古老而简单的爱情故事:一对青年男女相爱了,柔情蜜意,山盟海誓,可惜命中注定,一个是镜中花,一个是水中月,疾风暴雨般的爱情并没感动宿怨已久的双方家庭,反而导致他们双双殉情,谱写了一曲忠贞和爱的挽歌。然而,这又是一个感人至深的故事,自发表之日起, 历经400多年的岁月洗礼,它仍如钻石般独自发着璀璨而耀眼的光芒;无数人把它搬上舞台,无数人为它痴狂,为它流下滚烫的热泪;它影响着一代又一代人,为一代又一代人所传颂。