2022-08-12 来源:百合文库
圣诞节是12月25日举行的基督教节日,庆祝Jesus Christ的诞生。东正教,用Julian Calendar来决定节日,在公历1月7日庆祝。这两个日期都只是传统的和不被认为是Jesus实际出生日期。耶稣基督的诞生,或耶稣降生,据说是旧约预言中关于弥赛亚或救世主到来的预言。
圣诞节这个词是来自中世纪英语Christemasse和古英语Cristes M?“1”是一个收缩,意思是“基督的弥撒”。这个节日的名字往往是缩短到圣诞节,因为罗马字母“X”类似于希腊字母Χ(CHI),缩写为基督的缘故
在西方文化中,这个节日的特点是在朋友和家人之间交换礼物,一些礼物被归因于圣诞老人(也称为圣诞老人,圣·尼古拉斯和Father Frost)。然而,尽管电影、通俗文学、电视和其他媒体传播了美国、英国和澳大利亚的圣诞节主题,但仍有各种地方和地区的圣诞节传统仍在实行。
Christmas is a time for miracles.It is also a time when the dull things of daily life and the forecast of human hature gives way to a spiritual awakening.Allow me to share with you one truly wonder of Christmas.
Our miracle story comes from an incident that occurred in Flanders, Belgium, at the dawn of World War I. On December 24th ,1914, German and English troops faced each other from the relative safety of their ditches across which no man’s land lying between them. Suddenly, the silence was broken, not by gunfire, but by the strains of Silent Night arising from the German position.
圣诞节这个词是来自中世纪英语Christemasse和古英语Cristes M?“1”是一个收缩,意思是“基督的弥撒”。这个节日的名字往往是缩短到圣诞节,因为罗马字母“X”类似于希腊字母Χ(CHI),缩写为基督的缘故
在西方文化中,这个节日的特点是在朋友和家人之间交换礼物,一些礼物被归因于圣诞老人(也称为圣诞老人,圣·尼古拉斯和Father Frost)。然而,尽管电影、通俗文学、电视和其他媒体传播了美国、英国和澳大利亚的圣诞节主题,但仍有各种地方和地区的圣诞节传统仍在实行。
Christmas is a time for miracles.It is also a time when the dull things of daily life and the forecast of human hature gives way to a spiritual awakening.Allow me to share with you one truly wonder of Christmas.
Our miracle story comes from an incident that occurred in Flanders, Belgium, at the dawn of World War I. On December 24th ,1914, German and English troops faced each other from the relative safety of their ditches across which no man’s land lying between them. Suddenly, the silence was broken, not by gunfire, but by the strains of Silent Night arising from the German position.