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2022-08-10 来源:百合文库
Described in the works of the world is naked, amazing, promote people to thinking.
Who can say the fact that today there is no such? Once how many moves towards the society, he cannot afford to money and the interests of the various temptation, eventually acted as a slave to money. Corruption, extortion, theft robbery Is it not for the money? But finally to what end? Panic, all day but is worth living, and ultimately face the dark cage, reviled by the world.
Why are we always so not careful, fall into the trap of money?
Why is it the nose? Can"t we dominate the money? Can!!!! Of course can. ? Money is not the root of all evil. Only when you are overly, selfishly and greedily love it, it is the root of all evil. ? As long as adhere to the correct outlook on life, money, in the face and reasonably, would not be in the mire of money.