2022-08-10 来源:百合文库
在台北,骆驼就如同和梁实秋一起离乡的伙伴,睹物思人,思乡的情绪也就更加浓烈了。他形容骆驼憔悴的模样的时候写道“嘴张着,下巴垂着,有上气无下气的在喘。水汪汪的两只眼睛好像是眼泪扑簌的盼望着能见亲族一面似的”其实梁老是在写自己,写一个离乡背井老人的思乡情切啊! 经历了逃亡和政治上的失败,梁老觉得自己的前途是黯然的。梁老自比骆驼,而骆驼的前程也是黯然的。在结尾处他说:“尤其是在如今这个世界,大家所喜欢豢养的乃是善伺人意的哈巴狗,像骆驼这样的“任重道远”的家伙,恐怕只好由它一声不响的从这世界舞台上退下去罢!”当骆驼作为交通工具消失在历史舞台上的时候,梁老感觉自己也失去了最后的知音。事实上,《骆驼》正是梁实秋凄凉晚景的一个形象写照。
The Camel
Few places in Taipei are of much appeal to me except the zoo which I used to frequent for its two attractions, namely, the teahouse commanding a pleasant distant view from the window over the surrounding farmlands with fresh green vegetation and meandering streams, and the two camels.
Some people like to amuse themselves by watching the playfulness of clever monkeys which, though slightly manlike, are after all simple-minded animals. That"s why people cannot help feeling a sense of superiority and throwing them handfuls of peanuts. Some people enjoy seeing lions jumping through a fiery hoop, dogs doing easy sums, or tigers turning a somersault.
The Camel
Few places in Taipei are of much appeal to me except the zoo which I used to frequent for its two attractions, namely, the teahouse commanding a pleasant distant view from the window over the surrounding farmlands with fresh green vegetation and meandering streams, and the two camels.
Some people like to amuse themselves by watching the playfulness of clever monkeys which, though slightly manlike, are after all simple-minded animals. That"s why people cannot help feeling a sense of superiority and throwing them handfuls of peanuts. Some people enjoy seeing lions jumping through a fiery hoop, dogs doing easy sums, or tigers turning a somersault.