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2022-07-08 来源:百合文库
Bernard Shaw took the title Pygmalion from mythology. The Pygmalion myth features in Metamorphoses, a work by the Roman poet Ovid. In Ovid"s telling of the story, Pygmalion is a lonely sculptor who carves an ivory statue representing his ideal of womanhood. He falls deeply in love with his own creation. He prays to Venus, the goddeof beauty and love who takes pity on him and brings the statue to life.
This scene takes place in Covent Garden market, where Freddy and his mother and sister have taken shelter from the rain. They are joined by the flower girl. The conversation is overheard by Henry Higgins, whose hobby it is to record overheard speech phonetically, so that he can recreate it exactly. He claims to be able to identify exactly where people come from based on the sound of their speech.