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2022-07-08 来源:百合文库
To have such a pole vaulter, he is very severe, every game can refresh record, world record is created. He once said: "if I knew from the start to do this, then I must can"t jump so high now." Yes, because he opened his heart, there is no limit to yourself, to be beyond the limit!
Your heart, decide what you see. We are the creators of our own destiny. Close your books, enzo"s face seemed to be just around the corner. "Dad, let"s go to play." Skill not how, I picked up the racket, heart full of confidence and courage, as tender and considerate enzo looking at me, smile...
“我是一条狗,我有人的智慧,只可惜单单因为缺了两个指头,我拧不开门,开不了电视,按不了遥控板,写不了字……只因为缺了大拇指,我只能做一条狗。虽然我有人的智慧,但我永远只是一条狗…… ” 这种温和的开头文字,成为了让人痴痴读下去的第一个理由。它叫恩佐,一条杂交梗犬。
《我在雨中等你》以一只狗的口吻,讲述了它,恩佐和主人丹尼相依度过的风雨悲欢:当丹尼的妻子凄凉死去, 当岳父母和他反目成仇,当他镣铐加身被突然逮捕,或当佐恩得病遭车撞行动不便,无论是幸福时光、困顿岁月,还是痴痴守望、苦尽甘来,佐恩和丹尼彼此之间自始自终不离不弃,他们通过心灵的交流,彼此传递着爱,给对方爱的力量,让悲剧得以遏制。当我热泪盈眶地合上此书,心中涌动的是一幕幕爱的镜头。