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2022-07-07 来源:百合文库
It makes me understand. The grow-ups aways need explanations. The gorw-ups like talk about bridge and golt and politics and neckties. Grow-ups like numbers,too. When you tellthem about a new friend,they never ask questions about what really matters. They never ask: What does his voice sound like?’ What games does he like best?’ “Does he collect butterflies?
” They ask :“How old is he?” “How many blothers does he have?” “How much money does his father make?”
Read the book, I understand some principle. One sees clearly only with the heart, Anything essential is invisible to the eyes. It’s the time you spent on someone that makes somebody so important.
People have stars, but they aren’t the same. For travelers, the stars are guides. For other people they’re nothing but tiny lights. And for still others, for scholars they’re problems. For businessman, they were gold. But all those stars are silent stars. We, though, we all have stars like nobady else.