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2022-05-27 来源:百合文库
在北极的一次科研中,Bill对作者袒露,他因为右手残疾,小时候一直受到歧视,没有参加过任何学校组织和活动,连毕业舞会都没有去。作者鼓励他现在就跳舞。在北极雪原,在世界的尽头,作者坐在那儿,看着Bill转圈跺脚,投入的舞蹈。“I accepted him for what he was, instead of for what he wished he could be.” (我接受真实的他,而不是他想成为的他。)


读到这里,读者已经看到在坚强和愤世嫉俗之后,作者极其的柔软。她柔软是因为她冷漠的家庭包括母亲的冷淡让她期待爱和理解,她患有精神分裂症,渴望有人也接受真实的她。在作者找到爱人结婚后,怀孕时害怕因为吃精神抑制药物,而不能哺乳。她的产科医生立刻轻松的安慰她:“没关系,孩子喝奶粉也会长的很好。”就这样一句话让Hope Jahren强烈渴望被理解和接受。 她写到:
“I feel the old childish hope involuntarily stirred, that perhaps this woman cares and understands…..I am sick to death of this wound that will not close of how my babyish heart mistakes any simple kindness from a woman for a breadcrumb trail leading to the soft love of a mother or the fond approval of a grandmother. I am tired of carrying this dull orphan-pain, for though it has lost its power to surprise, every season it still reaps its harvest of hurt.