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2022-05-27 来源:百合文库
It"s just like the imaginary world。 Is this film, it never mentions that how does human disappear, but rather just tries to introspect human"s behavior, the concept of civilization, and human"s significance in this globe through the background of human"s disappearance。
The film wields the time as the link。 Different kinds of scenery of life after people are completely exhibited of one day, one month, several years, one hundred years, one thousand years, and ten thousands years through 3D technology。 Those animals who always depends on human being, especially dog and cat, must reacquire the theory that the fittest can be survived and remind their own original character before people"s appearance。


The prosperous greenery growing on the building after people not only mantles those grand skyscrapers that human established and of which they are proud, but also human"s sinfulness in this beautiful star can be also gradually blanketed。 People were very proud of their grand miracles that exhibiting in this world。 Nevertheless, they never care about the strong power from nature and even never be award of that the power from nature is encompassed in the movement of time, so those grand skyscrapers and inventions are just several grains of dusts in the nature and it"s absolutely inevitable for them to be gobbled up by the nature。