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2022-05-26 来源:百合文库
I believe that most of us, have taken Mr. Keating as a hero of freedom, a warrior against conservatism and a romantic with hope and enthusiasm. So it’s needless to say that I was inspired and convulsed again, but at the same time, which is different from the former, I felt sad and frustrated without rhyme or reason, and in the end of the movie I can’t help sobbing and feeling awful in some sense because I’m not familiar with the others and after all I’m a man and most of all, an adult.
All of these bad moods make me feel that Mr. Keating is not a good teacher, although he is a good person, an excellent poet and a brilliant ideologist. He succeeded in evoking the original sensation to freedom, individuality and love not only of most of the students in the WALE? School, but also of most of us, but the costs are tremendous, which are already out of his control and even some of which are out of his imagination.