2022-05-26 来源:百合文库
最后,再分析一下漫威系列作品的内在的发展可能性。从《钢铁侠》开始,到《复仇者联盟》 中的系列单品,似乎都是为《复仇者联盟》而生,这也是为什么大家如此期待的主要原因。而单品在这之后又除了续集再在到这部《复仇者联盟2》,似乎发生了一些微妙的变化,单品的续集上都很在各自剧情上下一番功夫,而《复联2》却给人一种停滞的状态,它虽然集合众多,但在“带动”整体上显得那么微妙。如果模式因此发生一些变动,我是说在单品作为一部电影来讲,能够更加精致和自我发展,这样或许对于“引导”和长时间盛行来说是很有利的。
I still hold the view that this story start at the moment that Rose was already to quit and give her beautiful body to the GOD of the sea, and Jack shouted “YOU JUMP , I JUMP” . At that moment a new life fell into the world from the paradise, it was Rose, she renascenced in the honor of love.
It is a very simple story . A ship . a journey a man and a woman, but it is enough and even too much to start a touching legend of love. I have to say Titanic will never out. If we want to live, we need world, and if world want to eternal , it need love. So all of us need love. Life change human into cichlid , and we need to be putted into the river of the love to prevent death.
I still hold the view that this story start at the moment that Rose was already to quit and give her beautiful body to the GOD of the sea, and Jack shouted “YOU JUMP , I JUMP” . At that moment a new life fell into the world from the paradise, it was Rose, she renascenced in the honor of love.
It is a very simple story . A ship . a journey a man and a woman, but it is enough and even too much to start a touching legend of love. I have to say Titanic will never out. If we want to live, we need world, and if world want to eternal , it need love. So all of us need love. Life change human into cichlid , and we need to be putted into the river of the love to prevent death.