2022-05-26 来源:百合文库
演老仆人的演员炉火纯青 ,尤其心理活动演的很真。老地主的镜头主要在床上,没啥表现,其被斩首、斩手、斩腿的镜头令人毛骨悚然。三位演员演的警察不咋地,可能是国情、年代不同,基本没出彩。估计这是一部小制作片,成本拍摄费和五位演员演出费及一栋老宅的租赁费。估计内子和曹导能导此类小片。
Through the first person narrator, Edgar Allan Poe"s "The Tell-Tale Heart" illustrates how man"s imagination is capable of being so vivid that it profoundly affects people"s lives. The manifestation of the narrator"s imagination unconsciously plants seeds in his mind, and those seeds grow into an unmanageable situation for which there is no room for reason and which culminates in murder.
The narrator takes care of an old man with whom the relationship is unclear, although the narrator"s comment of "For his gold I had no desire" lends itself to the fact that the old man may be a family member whose death would monetarily benefit the narrator. Moreover, the narrator also intimates a caring relationship when he says, "I loved the old man.