2022-05-26 来源:百合文库
作者告诉读者,共同的假想敌 人们的刚需 主流的导向=人性恶的爆发。这里我们不要过多衍生,放在小说里就是杰克小孩们脑子里的恶魔 美味的猪肉 灌输杀野猪的思路导致了小岛上的局势失控。这3个条件可以说只要不满足一个,局势就能被控制住。故事里只有拉尔夫和猪崽子是明白人,可惜真理往往在少数人手里。
First and foremost, as far as I am concerned, in exploring the breakdown into savagery of a group of boys free from the imposed moral constraints of civilization and society, Lord of the Flies dramatizes a fundamental human struggle: the conflict between the impulse to behave morally and the impulse to indulge in violence. The first set of impulses might be thought of as the “civilizing instinct”, which encourages people to work together toward common goals and behave peacefully;
作者告诉读者,共同的假想敌 人们的刚需 主流的导向=人性恶的爆发。这里我们不要过多衍生,放在小说里就是杰克小孩们脑子里的恶魔 美味的猪肉 灌输杀野猪的思路导致了小岛上的局势失控。这3个条件可以说只要不满足一个,局势就能被控制住。故事里只有拉尔夫和猪崽子是明白人,可惜真理往往在少数人手里。
First and foremost, as far as I am concerned, in exploring the breakdown into savagery of a group of boys free from the imposed moral constraints of civilization and society, Lord of the Flies dramatizes a fundamental human struggle: the conflict between the impulse to behave morally and the impulse to indulge in violence. The first set of impulses might be thought of as the “civilizing instinct”, which encourages people to work together toward common goals and behave peacefully;