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2022-05-26 来源:百合文库
As a king, Bertie is poor. He must “act” in public. However, he is not good at speaking. When I see his painful face before speech, I am very care him. He must exercise more and do it well. Faced with complex international situation, he has to speak in public to encourage British to be brave so that they can get through the


As a speech therapist, Lionel is unorthodox. He treats Bertie as a friend than a king. He insists on his thoughts and demands equal way in curing Bertie. Lionel is very kind and help Bertie a lot. He thinks Bertie deserves the king and has conflicts with Bertie. After that, with his wife’s advice, he decides to make an apology to Bertie. But, he is given the cold shoulder.
However, when Bertie needs his help, he help him without any hesitation.