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2022-05-25 来源:百合文库
From his pride we can see his confidence and persistence; whereas from his pride we can’t see his kindness and gentleness which he hid behind the surface.
From her prejudice we can see her firmness and treason; whereas from her prejudice we can’t see her expectation and worries which she hid behind the surface.
So it gave us a beginning of the story of pride and prejudice and led us to Miss Austen’s emotion world. So wonderful a book, so classical a story, so prefect a happy ending made it never a problem whether his pride or her prejudice counted, because of love, all can be neglected.


In the book once the proud Mr Dracy talked about the traits an accomplished woman must have, it needed a thorough knowledge of music, singing, dancing, drawing and modern languages, and besides this, a certain something in her manner of walking, in her voice and her behaviour. What’s more, something more solid, the improvement of her mind by wide reading.